Suffolk Waveney - Door to door service

A flexible bookable service operating throughout Waveney.
Telephone 01986 896896 to book a seat up to 7 days in advance (first come first served basis).

Return Fares are:-

£6.00 for journeys less than 5 miles

£7.00 for journeys between 5 – 9 miles

£8.00 for journeys between 9 – 14 miles

Routes are scheduled on the previous day & passengers receive a telephone call to confirm their pick-up time.

The Door to door service is available to anyone who cannot use conventional bus services or does not have access to a car. This can be for a physical reason or due to a rural location with no regular bus service.

You have to be a Registered Member to use the Door to door service, registration is £18 per year.

More details